
Report of the audit and risk committee
for the year ended 31 March 2015

Committee mandate and terms of reference

In terms of the Companies Act of South Africa, the committee reports that it has adopted formal terms of reference, and that it has discharged all of its responsibilities for the year in compliance with the terms of reference.

Statutory duties

The committee is satisfied that in respect of the financial year it has performed all the functions required by law to be performed by an audit and risk committee, including as set out in section 94 of the Companies Act of South Africa and in terms of the committee’s terms of reference and as set out in the corporate governance report. In this connection, and with specific regard to the prepaation of the annual financial statements, the committee has:

Competence of the Chief Financial Officer

The committee has also considered and satisfied itself of the appropriateness of the expertise and experience of the Chief Financial Officer, Mr RB Huddy.

Recommendation of the annual financial statements

The committee has evaluated the annual financial statements of Tsogo Sun Holdings Limited and the group for the year ended 31 March 2015 and based on the information provided to the committee, the committee recommends the adoption of the annual financial statements by the board.

RG Tomlinson
RG Tomlinson
Chairperson: Audit and risk committee

30 July 2015